Dr. Setzer Continues to Contribute
Claudia Setzer, Ph.D., has been a beloved member of the Manhattan College community for some time now, but her contributions to religion span a much greater distance than just here in Riverdale.
Now a professor, Setzer studied at Macalester College and Jewish Theol Sem Amer before receiving her MPHIL and PHD from Columbia University.
Setzer remains focused on her missions as she continues to write and provide insights on religions existing all around us.
This past November Setzer moderated a panel on "Medieval Women Interpreters of Scripture," at the Society of Biblical Literature's Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
Due to being "bitten by the bug of text interpretation", she also published an article, "Sinai, Covenant, and Innocent Blood Traditions in Matthew's Blood Cry (27:25)," in The Ways That Often Parted: Essays in Honor of Joel Marcus (SBL, 2018). Her work can be found here: (pg. 169)
Wrapping things up for now, Setzer will be writing curriculum for the Georgia public high schools on the Bible and Women's Vote, in connection with a Society of Biblical Literature project with The First Amendment Center/Newseum in Washington, D.C.
Claudia Setzer can be seen here at Manhattan teaching courses such as The Nature and Experience of Religion, Central Themes New Testament, Rome: In the Footsteps of Early Jews & Christians, The Bible and Film, Understanding the Bible, Central Themes New Testament, Judaism, The Gospel of John and Maj Sem:Bible & Amer Culture.